How to pay acceptance fee and clearance for fuoye with pictures

What you need

You must have a valid atm card
a good internet connection
and of course your phone, arent you tired of the exhorbitant rates the cyber cafe guys charge you

After you’ve accepted your admission,it takes you straight here.
Click on that small circle

Then it takes you here
Click on make payment
It takes you here
In that place where they put 0000000, Input the 16 digits you see at the front of your atm card
Where they put card expiry , you put the expiry date of your atm card e.g(09/21)
Then where they wrote CVV, go to the back of your atm card, there are 3 digits there, that is your cvv
Click on pay.
They’ll send a confirmation sms to the sim you registered with the account youre using to pay
They’ll send you a pin which you must use immediately it expires in 10 mins
Input the pin .
Then click okay

Now youll see the confirmation that you have paid, just like the one below
Youll be prompted to change your password.
Your current password will be password and you can pick anything as your new password but make sure you use something you can remember
After you’ve donre that youll see something just like the picture below

After changing your password you wont be able to login again. Just go to your mail and confirm your new account
Click on where they wrote click here to activate
Then it will take you to where you are to pay the acceptance fee
As usual click on the small circle and it will take you here
If you are ready to pay click on make payment and it will take you straight to remitta
Just looking at the pics alone youll know what to do.
Payers name,phone and email will be filled already
Then youll choose your kind of atm(master card, verve etc)
Where they put card holder name, input the name written on the card youre using
Then input the card number,expiry date and cvv like we did before
Then click submit

I used Uba here so you can see that, like the other time they’ll send an sms to the sim registered to the card, so just input the pin immediately and click submit.
Please avoid refreshing the page to avoid multiple deductions
After clicking submit youll see this

Click on where they wrote Click here to continue
You are officially a student